Free Beast Mate

**If I mate her, my enemy wins. If I don’t, I lose my mind.**

Community X is in trouble. We hold the Beast Father’s son, Amoris, captive in our underground colony, yet it is we who are prisoners of his refusal to choose a mate. Until he chooses, the Beast Father will withhold fresh supplies from Above.

Hundreds of breeders have been offered, all rejected. My own imperfections have kept me out of the prospect pool. But my people are starving. It’s time I step up. I may not be perfect, but I could be his mate.

It won’t be the first time I’ve disobeyed, but it could be my last.

I know they’re delivering breeders to my luxurious apartment—excuse me, cage—to entice me to choose a mate. What I don’t know is why.

You know what? The joke’s on them. My mate comes, unseen, to clean my quarters twice a week. I hungrily inhale her scent after she’s left. But tonight, she’s waiting for me in my bedroom, tempting me in all her red-headed, defiant, naked glory.

Great Mother Beast help me, I want to claim her. Free her. Avenge her. But she serves the man who enslaved me, and I don’t know what they want from the pair of us.

If I mate her, Tom wins.
If I don’t mate her, I lose my mind.
